2024 Q2 Charity Donations


Team Drainage have decided to go with a two way split for this quarter's charity donations.

Alexis Field is fundraising for Leukaemia UK (justgiving.com)

AWP's Technical Director, Chris Yalden, explains why this was an important choice for Team Drainage:  "Alexis was a close University friend who encouraged me to apply for my graduate role at WSP. Without that important opportunity and stepping stone, it’s likely I would never have found my way to AWP. Many of us at AWP are familiar with Alexis and she is well regarded for her ambition and success within the civil engineering industry. Unfortunately, earlier this year she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) and became very unwell and has been on a difficult journey since. The disease is punishing as is the treatment for it; it's complex and needs highly trained medical staff as well as all of the research behind it to give people the best chance at survival; the rate at which is around 14% at the moment and affects people of all ages."

Alexis and friends are raising money for Leukaemia UK as they are advancing research for AML and other Leukaemia types to improve people's chances of survival and to make treatment less challenging.

On 13th July 2024 four of her friends will be tackling the Hope 24 event, which comprises a 24-hour endurance race; to complete as many 5 mile laps as possible, across undulating terrain, day and night, rain or shine. 

We wish Alexis well in her ongoing battle with AML and we also wish her friends the best of luck with the Hope 24 event.

Diabetes UK

Ben Green’s Mum has had type 1 Diabetes for around 30 years. Diabetes UK campaign for better care for people with diabetes and fund research into treatments and a cure. According to their website, over 5.6 million people in the UK have diabetes and the number keep rising.