Travel planning
A Travel Plan is a document that sets out a package of measures aimed at encouraging multi-modal access to a development and promoting the use of sustainable modes of transport (i.e. walking, cycling, public transport) as an alternative to the private car. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) highlights the use of Travel Plans as a key tool to achieve its stated objectives on sustainable travel, and requires that all developments which generate significant amounts of traffic provide a Travel Plan.
At the planning stage our approach is to seek to provide a Framework Travel Plan, often as a chapter of a Transport Assessment. A Framework Travel Plan sets out the objectives and targets to encourage a shift towards sustainable modes of travel through smarter choices; the principles of the measures to be implemented; and a process for monitoring and review. Successful travel plans normally include a series of complementary “hard” (i.e. new physical infrastructure or services) and “soft” (promotional / encouragement) measures.
Once the framework is agreed as part of the planning process the provision of a full Travel Plan, setting out specific operational details, is often included as a planning condition or S106 obligation. This approach is particularly important for employment schemes where the end user of a development with the ability to deliver the Travel Plan, is often unknown at the planning stage.
The operational Travel Plan is intended to be a live document managed by a Travel Plan Co-Ordinator (normally appointed by the Developer) on a long-term basis. Travel Plans and their associated measures therefore normally require a financial commitment that should be built into the overall cost of developing a site.
At AWP Ian and Alex have a great deal of experience in preparing and negotiating Travel Plans and understand the importance of ensuring a package of measures is agreed that is agreeable in transport terms, whilst remaining cost-effective and not placing an unnecessary financial burden on the development of the site.