S38, S278, S104 Technical Approvals
Developments normally require legal agreements to transfer the new infrastructure to relevant authorities. In addition to the typical S38, S278 and S104 agreements, at AWP we have significant experience in many other forms of legal agreement or asset transfer.
The timely conclusion of these agreements is usually important to enable commencement of construction or occupation. We therefore take a proactive approach when managing the approval and agreement process.
We also have significant experience with other forms of land transfer or legal obligations such as CPO, Stopping Up Orders and S106 Agreements.
Early engagement with the relevant authority is crucial in understanding their requirements along with sound technical knowledge to ensure the engineering solutions comply with the required standards. This ensures the technical approval process is achieved as quickly as possible.
At AWP we understand how getting the agreements in place in a timely fashion is very important and therefore like to bring our expertise to bear as early on as we can to help avoid problematic costs or untimely surprises.