Highway Access Design
In many cases, achieving a successful access solution to a site can be the key to unlocking its development potential and often one of the first issues that needs to be resolved as part of the masterplanning process. As well as providing a safe and convenient means of accessing the development for vehicles, the arrangements should also identify connections for pedestrians and cyclists to demonstrate that a development satisfies the requirements for sustainable transport modes set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
In positioning a new access, constraints may include land availability, visibility from and of a new junction, and the interaction of traffic with other existing junctions nearby. The form and layout of a new access will be informed by issues such as its capacity (which in turn is influenced by the quantity and type of development proposed) and highway safety issues.
Designing in conformance with relevant design standards and guidance such as Manual for Streets, other local guidance or HA Standards as appropriate is key to achieving the necessary approvals from the local highway authority. The land-take of the preferred solution including the impact the access arrangement has on the layout of the scheme can have a significant impact on the developable area of the site.
The design of a successful access solution requires an appreciation of all of these issues. At AWP we have the skills and experience in both transport planning and detailed highway design to be able to provide solutions that are appropriate for the quantity and type of development proposed and minimise the land take required.
We can assist in gaining planning approval, ensuring deliverability and successful adoption by local authorities without placing unnecessary constraints on the masterplanning of the site and the cost of its development.