"We enjoy working with the AWP team for a number of mutual clients. They are technically excellent and always seem to add value in resolving sometimes knotty problems quickly and pro-actively."

Neal JillingsDirectorJillings Hutton Planning www.jillingshutton.com

Movember 2019


We've decided to sign up for Movember again. We last did this back in 2016 and this year we have over half the office signed up (22/34).

Some of us are traditionalists and insist on a clean shave for day 1. Others, who have been sporting beards of various styles over the last few months and years have gone for a running start. 

For those of you not familiar with the excellent work they do, please take a couple of minutes to watch this video

And apart from generating a bit of a giggle in the office, the reason we've all decided to sign up is to raise funds for this excellent charity. 

So, if you are able, please make a donation. Thank you.