Bake Sale for Men's Mental Health Awareness Month


We held a bake sale in the AWP office to raise money for Andy's Man Club, supporting Men's Mental Health Awareness Month.

Andy's Man Club are a prevention suicide charity, they facilitate group meetings where men aged 18 and above can speak openly about their issues in a non judgmental environment through shared experiences. Groups run nationwide every Monday 7pm except bank holidays and are completely volunteer-led with no charge to any man.

We were lucky to receive some posters, business cards and wristbands in the post from Andy's Man Club, which we have distributed around the office and will hopefully encourage conversations.  The statistics:  'Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 54.  1 man every 2 hours.'  The group sessions Andy's Man Club lead are therefore so so important in making an important step, talking.  #ItsOkayToTalk

We have raised £152 so far, and will continue to support Andy's Man Club at various points throughout the year, so let's see how much we can get for this fantastic charity!  Here is our fundraising page