Porthpean Road
St Austell
This residential site on the southern edge of St Austell needed to accommodate challenging gradients across the site, the proximity of a major foodstore, and the potential for other adjacent land to be developed. Working closely with the urban designers and Wainhomes' client team we identified a form of access (roundabout) that would serve initial and later phases of development on the site and also have the capability to cope with additional traffic should the site roads be extended in the future into other adjacent land.
Drainage provision had to be made within the greenspace on the site and so the required areas were scoped out at the earliest opportunity to inform development of the masterplan. The implications of land form and levels were also taken into account particularly as adjacent properties needed to retain existing views and parts of the site were steep leading to proposals for split level dwellings in some parts.
Public consultation was undertaken and this also informed the development of the masterplan and the scale of proposal taken forward to a planning application.
AWP provided a Transport Assessment with a Travel Plan, a Flood Risk Assessment with a Drainage Strategy and preliminary slab and road levels to support the detailed planning application.
Following the granting of planning permission, we undertook the detailed infrastructure design. Construction is now progressing well on site as can be seen in the photo above.