Yannons Farm
We've been working for long standing client Cavanna Homes on their Yannons Farm site in Paignton since the inception of AWP in 2012.
It's a challenging site with some steep natural gradients and unusual underlying geology that has complicated the surface water design in particular. We developed a design incorporating deep bore soakaways to ensure surface water safely passes through to the permeable limestone strata that underlie this part of Torbay.
We worked closely with the project team and Torbay Council officers to secure Reserved Matters Planning Approvals, the discharge of a number of planning conditions and Technical Approvals for various phases of this 220 dwelling development over the last few years.
Our design team, led by Rodin, has recently received some excellent feedback which we have reproduced as the quote on the left of this page.
We are currently working with Cavanna Homes on a number of their sites and look forward to collaborating on many more over the coming years.