Quintana Gate
Following on from our success in helping to secure planning permission for a number of new student accommodation schemes in the city, we were approached by urban student living provider The Neighbourhood to look at a site in central Exeter.
Working closely with T2 Architects and LRM Planning, Alex led our team providing engineering support for the detailed planning application for the scheme comprising 127 high quality flats and studios for use as student accommodation with associated communal study and social space. The services we provided included advice on the access and servicing strategy, input to the utilities strategy, preparation of a Transport Statement, Framework Travel Plan and Flood Risk & Drainage Technical Note for submission with the application, and representation at the public consultation event.
Exeter City Council granted planning permission in July 2016 and we are currently undertaking the design of the S278 highway works to be delivered in connection with the scheme.
CGI reproduced courtesy of T2 Architects