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"Ian, thank you for AWP’s considerable help in sorting both the highways and the drainage."

Hugh CaseleyDirectorKimberley Developments

Waitrose, Torrington


Working closely with Kimberley Developments, we undertook the highways and drainage input to support a detailed planning application for a 1678 sqm food store on a brownfield site in Great Torrington, Devon. 

The key highway issue for the project was the solution for servicing strategy for the new store. As part of the Transport Assessment process we completed an assessment of several options for the routing of HGV delivery vehicles to the site through the narrow streets in the historic centre of Torrington. As well as undertaking computer based analysis, in order to address DCC Highways' concerns we coordinated a series of live test runs with a 16.5m articulated vehicle to assess these options and identify appropriate solutions for highway improvements which included both physical measures and changes to traffic regulation orders governing the flow of traffic and parking in the town centre.

On the drainage and flood risk side, the existing car park drainage is currently connected to a combined sewer. We developed a sustainable surface water strategy to drain the new store and car park to a series of soakaways. The removal of surface water flows from SWW's public sewer will result in a significant reduction in flooding from the combined sewer at the bottom of the catchment.

We also undertook a cut-fill assessment to balance the on-site earthworks.

Image reproduced courtesy of Piper Whitlock